Real Property Management NW Indiana

New Year’s Resolutions for Property Managers Part I

We have entered a new year and that brings new opportunities to improve your approach as a property manager and thus improve your business. In Part I of our two-part discussion about beneficial resolutions for 2021, we highlight the importance of retention. Here are three items to keep in mind as you move into the new year:

Attract & Keep Excellent Tenants

Your online presence is probably the most important way that new tenants find you. Making sure you have a solid social media and SEO campaign will make a big difference. From there, add a personal touch and make your new tenants feel at home. Leaving a welcome basket is a simple and effective way of maintaining the positive association established when they chose to move into your building.


Retain Current Tenants

Tenant turnover can be very expensive. By improving your relationship with your current tenants, you are more likely to maintain their presence year over year. Taking a proactive approach to ensuring their comfort in the building makes your tenants feel important. Check in with them on a regular basis to make sure they are happy so that you can address any concerns. By making yourself available to their needs, this can prevent any problems from forming and growing.


Retain Your Employees
Building a solid team of employees to support your property management business is crucial. It can be hard to find reliable employees, but once you do the trick is, to keep them. When creating your budget for the year, factor in ways to show appreciation for your employees.


Make 2021 your best year yet! Learn more about townhome property management in Crown Point, IN, by visiting our website.